OLAW - F22-00563 (applies to Jai Research Foundation)  |  DUNS Number - 67-716-4521  |  NCAGE CODE – 2444Y  |  FDA - FEI – 3014694901


Pharma / Bio Pharma

Crop Care




Microbial Pesticides

Operator Exposure

Operator Exposure

JRF Global continues to maintain expertise in the design, management, in-life, analytical and submission of studies related to worker exposure.

JRF America is our leading arm for providing these services globally in general and USA in particular. Our scientists have conducted dozens of worker exposure and worker observational studies globally over many years. Some studies also have been associated with other residue and meteorological data collection.

Study Design are generated to accommodate compound specific considerations, often focusing on the chemistry of the compound, label specific requirements, the specific formulations and application / handling techniques, as well as use patterns, and use areas. We provide suggestions for study design by work with sponsors, regulatory specialists, and regulatory agencies to evaluate the specific questions and target data collection to address the specific compound, group of compounds, application(s) and use techniques.


Study Management

We are have been and continue to act as the Study Director on worker exposure and worker observational studies. Our personnel conduct in-field and in-lab functions often with support of other expert groups as needed depending upon the scope of the study. From developing the protocol, agency and Independent Review Board reviews, timeline considerations, subject recruitment, subject qualification and volunteer questionnaires to site location, conduct of the in-life study, conduct of the analytical phase of the study, compilation and initial interpretation of the data, and final overall report, we stands ready to work with the sponsor to serve their specific needs.


In-Life Services: We provide in-life conduct of the on-site studies including collection of worker samples, field fortifications, observations and meteorological data collection. Through a network of expert groups, JRF America coordinates and participates in all phases of the in-life study. This allows for a complete understanding of all aspects of the overall study. The In-Life services are conducted as a part of an overall study management program and is not a stand-alone service.


Analytical Services:

We undertake method development / method transfer (including identification of appropriate trapping media and qualification of sampling media and equipment), method validation, preparation and shipping of field fortifications, in-field fortification (if required), sample analysis and analytical report preparation and statistical evaluation and modeling as required.


We provide support to sponsors in submission of data packages and overall summaries to regulatory authorities by working closing with regulatory experts and expert groups to ensure that all parameters of data collection, analysis, conclusions and interpretations are met.

Services available at following locations: