OLAW - F22-00563 (applies to Jai Research Foundation)  |  DUNS Number - 67-716-4521  |  NCAGE CODE – 2444Y  |  FDA - FEI – 3014694901


Pharma / Bio Pharma

Crop Care




Microbial Pesticides

Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program

Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program

Endocrine disruptors are compounds that interfere with human hormone systems, causing widespread health problems.

The Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) is a program implemented by the US EPA for the screening of pesticides, chemicals, and environmental contaminants for their potential to affect the estrogen, androgen, and thyroid hormone systems using a two-tiered screening and testing process. Tier 1 comprises a battery of five (5) In-vitro and six (6) In-vivo screening assays that shall identify substances that have the potential to act as the endocrine disruptor screening chemicals.

JRF has taken a lead in validating the assays and geared-up to offer Tier 1 studies with listed advantages

  • Designing the customised programs for assessing possible endocrine disruptive effects, as per the EPA and OECD guidelines.
  • JRF can offer large capacity with high quality state of the art equipment and accommodate multiple compounds simultaneously.
  • JRF excels in delivering the reports within rapid turnaround times with professional project communication and support from our dedicated team of experts.
  • Our Scientists are capable enough to help you prioritise your testing schedule, minimise animal use, as well as customising the report format.


Tier 1 Screening Battery

In Vitro Assays

Assay Guideline Endpoint Study Duration
Androgen Receptor Binding OPPTS 890.1150 Saturation Binding- Estimation of Kd and Bmax, Competitive Binding with methyl trienolone, - IC50, RBA, Experiment:15 days
Report: 30 days
Aromatase OPPTS 890.1200 Measurement of Generated Estrone by Liquid scintillation counting, IC50 Experiment: 15 days
Report: 30 days
Estrogen Receptor Binding OPPTS 890.1250 Saturation Binding- Estimation of Kd and Bmax, Competitive Binding- 3 Consecutive runs, IC50, RBA, Experiment: 15 days
Report: 30 days
Estrogen Receptor Transcriptional Activation OPPTS 890.1300 Quantitative measurement of bioluminescence product (Luminescence signal) by Luminometer Experiment: 15 days
Report: 30 days
Steroidogenesis OPPTS 890.1550 Measurement of the levels of Testosterone and 17β-Estradiol produced by cell line with LC-MS/MS, 17β-Estradiol will be measured after Derivatization with Dansyl Chloride, Cell Viability at end of treatment using Invitrogen’s LIVE/DEAD Viability kit. Experiment: 30 days
Report: 30 days


In Vivo Assay


Assay Guideline Endpoint Study Duration
Uterotrophic Assay OPPTS  890.1600 Organ Weight:
Uterine Weight both “Wet” Weight and “Dry” Weight
Optional Histopathology:
18 Weeks
Hershberger Bioassay OPPTS 890.1400 Organ Weight:
Ventral Prostate, Seminal Vesicles, Levator Bulbocavernosus Muscle, Cowpers Glands, Paired Epididy¬mides, Paired Testis Weight, Glans Penis
Optional Organ Weight:
Liver, Kidneys, Adrenals
Optional Hormone Analysis:
  T3, T4, Testosterone, LH
18 Weeks
Pubertal Development And Thyroid Function In Intact Juvenile/Peripubertal Male Rats OPPTS 890.1500 Sexual Maturation:
Daily Assessment of Preputial Separation
Blood Chemistry
Organ Weights:
Seminal Vesicles/Coagulating Glands, Ventral Prostate, Dorsal Prostate Levator Ani Plus Bulbocaver¬nosus Muscle, Epididymis, Testis, Thyroid (Post Fixation), Liver, Kidney, Adrenals, Pituitary
Epididymis, Testis, Thyroid, Kidney
Hormone Analysis: T3, T4, THS, Testosterone
24 Weeks
Pubertal Development And Thyroid Function In Intact Juvenile/Peripubertal Female Rats OPPTS 890.1450 Sexual Maturation:
Daily Assessment of Vaginal Separation
Blood Chemistry
Organ Weights:
Uterus (Blotted), Ovaries, Thyroid (Post Fixation), Liver, Kidney, Pituitary, Adrenals
Histopathology: Uterus, Ovary, Thyroid, Kidney
Hormone Analysis: T3, T4, THS
24 Weeks


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