OLAW - F22-00563 (applies to Jai Research Foundation)  |  DUNS Number - 67-716-4521  |  NCAGE CODE – 2444Y  |  FDA - FEI – 3014694901


  • “I am thrilled. The concept of Society has started rewarding. You must be legitimately proud of a paper in ALTEX, the impact factor of which is 5-plus. As an Editorial Board Member of ALTEX I congratulate you and your colleagues for this achievement. And, a feather to the cap of JRF. The Society takes pride in its EC member and others having done this feat. Wish you many more achievements.” (sic)

    Biomedical Scientist & Research Coordinator, National College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli & G.S., Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments Ind

  • We have been working with Jai Research Foundation (JRF), Vapi since last 8 years for GLP toxicology and Genotoxicity studies. We have found JRF as a team has always done a great job. The team has been very quick to respond to our queries. We have submitted the study reports of JRF to US FDA or EU and as of today all reports have been accepted by all regulatory agencies. JRF does not need any other certificate than this achievement. JRF teams work as a well-oiled engine and has very good coordination between other departments and with sponsors. We have always enjoyed working with JRF because, it has 100% track record of keeping the time-lines.

    Vice President of India's first ranked Pharma company

  • I would like to mention that JRF team is having in depth understanding of technical aspects involved in preclinical studies.The team is having expertise to handle studies of all regulatory including FDA. We had received all kind of support required and commitment for timely completion of activities.I wish JRF all success ahead

    Team Leader - Regulatory Affairs of a leading Indian Pharma Company

  • World’s second best facility to offer Mutagenicity studies.

    A US based MNC

  • JRF’s project management and Sponsor communication helps us very well for on time submissions.

    An Indian Pharma MNC

  • I am impressed by the expertise and dedication of [JRF's] staff in both Developmental /Reproduction Toxicology as well as Pathology department. I am confident in [Study Director's] supervision and conduct of the Developmental Thyroid study.

    Senior Toxicologist and Consultant

  • JRF has an exceptional team of scientists. JRF has stood up our expectations in terms of "Japanese" quality standards and time compliance.

    Senior Scientist - Japanese Specialty and Agrochemical Corporation

  • We are thankful to JRF Team for their outstanding support.

    A study monitor on acceptance of EDSP studies in EPA

  • JRF understands Sponsor’s difficulties and support them with solutions.

    An Indian Agchem MNC

  • We have worked with several Indian CROs, but haven’t found any one of them comparable to JRF with respect to Science, Reports and Quality.

    A Chinese MNC

  • I appreciate JRF’s professionalism, good service, and real-time quick feedback. Every member, in their teams is your good friend. They respond to (y)our doubt(s) and whenever required extend their full co-operation and support with heart and soul. I have confidence that JRF will retain their this friendly attitude and help us be better in our future endeavors.

    Regulatory Head - A Chinese MNC

  • JRF always stands to incorporate customer's point of view; responds quickly incorporating customer's demands. JRF has proved a trustworthy friend to us. JRF works in interest of the sponsors helping us in saving resources - time, energy, and cost as much as possible. We have received very good support from JRF, which helped us in completing the regulatory registration in many countries. We believe, and are sure, to receive the same level of cooperation from JRF in our future endeavous too

    Registration Person from one of the top 5 MNC of China

  • Outstanding response and helping us get out of a tough situation.

    A Study Monitor from a large MNC