OLAW - F22-00563 (applies to Jai Research Foundation)  |  DUNS Number - 67-716-4521  |  NCAGE CODE – 2444Y  |  FDA - FEI – 3014694901


Pharma / Bio Pharma

Crop Care




Microbial Pesticides

Subchronic Inhalation (Rodents)

Subchronic Inhalation (Rodents)

JRF’s Inhalation Toxicology Facility is designed to provide contemporary capabilities for conducting exposure of experimental animals, under the Good Laboratory Practices.

Research on animals clinically exposed to airborne contaminants have been significant studies to assess the Risk and hazard as a result of accidental/operational exposure of the test compound by the inhalation root. State-of-the-art equipments are used to understand the impact of inhalation on human and animal health. In some cases, the toxicity of some of the potential contaminants requires highly sophisticated building systems and operational protocols, to prevent the occurrence of accidental exposure to the researchers.


JRF’s Inhalation Toxicology Facility is designed to provide contemporary capabilities for conducting exposure of experimental animals, under the Good Laboratory Practices. If animals are involved, protocols must also receive prior IAEC approval.


JRF’s Inhalation Exposure Laboratories consist of:

  • Four independent SS chambers with independent source and exhaust for each of the chamber.
  • These are purpose-designated to a given dose, preventing cross-contamination by the other dosages.
  • Each chamber contains a stainless steel Nose only Inhalation exposure chambers.
  • Each chamber is connected to dedicated equipments which control air-flow, chamber pressure, as well as monitor temperature, humidity and rate of air-flow through the system.
  • Animal housing room

Exposure protocols include:

  • Different Concentrations,
  • Monitored by gravimetrically and analytically (HPLC, LCMS etc.)
  • Liquid and dust Inhalation
  • Gas Inhalation (phosphene)

The nose only equipment allows for higher density of animals exposed in parallel  at the same time. Figure 1 illustrates a nose only device that is capable of exposing 48 animals in one chamber (it can be extended to 64 animals) at one time in a fairly compact space.


JRF is the right destination for your needs for a high quality, economical and professional CRO undertaking single and repeated dose inhalation for your products.

Services available at following locations: