OLAW - F22-00563 (applies to Jai Research Foundation)  |  DUNS Number - 67-716-4521  |  NCAGE CODE – 2444Y  |  FDA - FEI – 3014694901


JRF Global has an advanced GLP-compliant archive facility, spread across 10,000 sq. feet in an environmentally safe area

Included in the cost of every study is a 10 year archiving period at JRF Global’s state-of-the-art Archive facilities. JRF offers strong traceable archiving and retrieval systems with tracking software. We have dedicated areas for dry and wet archives and the whole facility is controlled by access log systems. Archived data is maintained by a dedicated software program which can trace the archive records in no time. Additionally, it has also been integrated with the Master schedule software program.


After the complimentary 10 year archiving period, study sponsors have one of the three options:

1. to extend the archive period for stipulated period, at nominal charges;
2. to collect all the archived data from JRF, to store at their own facility;
3. to allow JRF to dispose of the archived data with written consent.