OLAW - F22-00563 (applies to Jai Research Foundation)  |  DUNS Number - 67-716-4521  |  NCAGE CODE – 2444Y  |  FDA - FEI – 3014694901

Pathology & Clinical Chemistry

JRF Global has a cutting edge pathology laboratory that supports the toxicology team in interpretation of histopathological and clinical data.


The pathology laboratory is spread over 320 sq. metres and is divided into two functional areas i.e. histopathology and clinical pathology. The histopathology section contains necropsy, tissue weighing and preservation, tissue processing and professional evaluation of stained sections, while clinical pathology encompasses blood /urine collection, haematology, clinical chemistry and urine analysis tests, which are mandatory in conventional toxicology studies.


Over time, we have developed a large in house pool of historical control data, which helps in interpretation of the results for different studies. Background/historical data are available for almost every type of study. JRF Global also provides peer review for long term studies. Generally, up to 15% histopathological slides of study are peer reviewed, together with a higher proportion (up to 100%) of target organs, or lesions of interest.


Your regulatory approvals are often dependent on the accuracy of histology diagnosis. JRF Global understands this, and has the most experienced staff in the pathology department. There are 6 scientists (4 veterinary pathologists, 1 biochemist and1 consultant) and 8 technicians in pathology section. Our pathologists are experienced in evaluating the complete range of toxicology, reproduction and carcinogenicity studies conducted at JRF.  In addition we have one consultant who is a member of FRCPath (Fellow of Royal College of Pathologists).


In addition, the pathology department has the requisite advanced automated instruments required for getting histology slides, including tissue processors, embedding machines, microtomes  and stainers. The section is also well equipped with different sophisticated automatic analyzers for various haematological, biochemical, coagulation  and urine parameters . The instruments work in seamless conjunction with diversified software packages for online data/capture and transfer. JRF Global has licensed dedicated software from ROELEE® for capture of gross pathology and histopatholgy data. Finally, JRF’s Global IT team ensures that all your valuable data is captured error free using proprietary software, and backed up periodically to prevent data loss.