OLAW - F22-00563 (applies to Jai Research Foundation)  |  DUNS Number - 67-716-4521  |  NCAGE CODE – 2444Y  |  FDA - FEI – 3014694901

About Us

Providing Services

Pharma / Bio Pharma

Crop Care




Microbial Pesticides


JRF India, Gujarat, INDIA

Jai Research Foundation, a pre-clinical Contract Research Organization located in Vapi, Gujarat, India with its enormous experience exceeding 39 years.

The facility comprises of over 158,000 Sq. Ft. of floor space accommodating dedicated laboratories for Toxicology, Product chemistry, Analytical and Residue Chemistry, Ecotoxicology, Environmental fate and metabolism studies. The facilities in toxicology have areas dedicated to the various types of animals in full compliance with the AAALAC requirements. The facility also consists of unique state-of-the-art environment controlled Barrier Maintained Rodent facility for Toxicology research and class 10,000 facility for in vitro studies. The environmental conditions are monitored on 24/7 basis.

We offer comprehensive services in Toxicology, Chemistry, Environmental Fate and Metabolism, Residue, Eco-toxicology and other allied services in compliance with various  regulatory guidelines like, GCR / KCR, Schedule Y, OCSPP / OPPTS, OECD, ICH, EMEA, JMAFF, SANCO, SETAC, FAO,WHO,  ASTM, ABNT-NBR etc.



JRF India was established as a Research Laboratory in 1977 and has been recognized by :

  • Department of Science & Technology in 1983 as a centre for advanced research in agrochemicals and biological sciences (12/11/1989-TU-V).
  • Endorsement of compliance with OECD principles of GLP in1996 by GLP Monitoring authority of the Government of the Netherlands. JRF is now monitored by NGCMA (GLC/C-0031), post India’s entry into the MAD (Mutual Acceptance of Data) council as a full adherent in 2011.
  •  Accredited by AAALAC as well as Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (35/1999/CPCSEA) with respect to humane and ethical treatment of laboratory animals.
  • Approved by Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Govt. of India, for using radioactive chemicals since 1997.

Collaboration with :

  •  JRF International Ltd., UK in 1998.
  •  JRF America, USA in 2008.

JRF India

NH-48, Near Daman Ganga Bridge Valvada - 396 105,
Gujarat, INDIA.
Tel: +91 9909900950, 9825603140, 9998022968, 9998022984
Fax:+91 22 6646 6119
Email: bd@jrfonline.com